We don't take any commission from the price you set for your subscriptions. But payment processors do have commissions on every transaction, which are reduced from your payments.
Currently we only support PayPal as our payment's provider, which fee is between 4.4% and 5.4% plus a fixed fee of 0.30 USD. This later fee is distributed proportionally between you and fitkr, according to your price and our service charge. For example, if you set your price to 8 USD, you will be deducted 80% of 0.30 USD (0.24 USD), while if you set your price to 2 USD you will be paying 50% (0.15 USD).
Since we will transfer what your earned to your PayPal account, you should check if you will also need to pay any fee for withdrawing the money to your bank account. It is usually free to withdraw balance from PayPal to a bank account in your own country.