In order to personalize your channel, you will need to set:
- Primary Color
- Logo to use over the primary color
- Logo to use over white backgrounds
Primary Color
This is the main color that will be used as a background in the login screen of the channel, and also to highlight actions or sections in the web and in the mobile app for your channel. It should be your brand's main color, or a color that goes well with your channel's logo.
Your primary color should not be too bright, since it will be used in combination with white texts
Logo for primary color
Both in web and mobile we will use this logo with your primary color. For example in the web's login page for your channel, and also in the loading screen for your channel in the mobile app.
This logo is uses a transparent background using white color for the typography. The yellow background is the primary color. This is how the loading screen for this channel in our mobile app would look like.
Logo for white backgrounds
This should be your channel/brand logo, and it will appear in the header of your channel. It's always recommended to use transparent backgrounds, as we may add more customization options in the future.